What to Pack in Your Bridal Bag

No matter how perfectly we plan your timeline or how prepared you are for your wedding day, it is always a good idea to pack a Bridal Bag! Having an emergency bag stocked with things that can help if anything were to go wrong will help put your mind at ease and keep you stress free. I have compiled a list of necessary things to include in your bag!
Stain Remover Pen: Just in case!
White Chalk: For anything the stain remover pen cannot get out!
White Duct Tape: It can fix anything! Grab a roll just in case that “thing” is worn by the bride.
Fashion Tape: Just in case you lose the duct tape!
Super Glue: For fixing, well, anything.
Tampons/Panty Liners: If you don't need them, someone else will!
Granola Bars/Other Snacks/Water Bottle: I don't know about you, but if I go too long without eating I get kind of hangry! I always keep little snacks in my camera bag!
Toothbrush and Toothpaste: For after your snacks!
Dental Floss/Toothpicks: Just in case the toothbrush can't get it!
Straws: So you don't smudge your lipstick.
Lipstick: Just in case you do smudge!
Tweezers: Stray hairs and clumped lashes be gone!
Hair Spray: Just to make sure all your hairs stay in place!
Makeup Bag: To touch up your makeup throughout the day!
Q-tips & Makeup Remover: Mistakes happen, always be prepared!
Blotting Papers: For absorbing oil & shine
Breath Mints: Pop one in right before you walk down the aisle - your breath will be minty fresh for your first kiss!
Baby Powder: This comes in handy on the underarms from keeping the bodice of the dress from scratching or chafing!
Extra Undergarments: Just in case!
Mini Sewing Kit: With scissors, needles, thread, buttons, and safety pins
Mini First Aid Kit: Band-Aids, burn relief, liquid bandages, and antiseptic
Doublestep Foot Treatment and Friction Stick: Prevent blisters from your wedding shoes!
Nail Polish: One clear top coat, one in the shade you’re wearing, and a nail file
Medicine: Pain reliever, allergy medicine, antacid
Deodorant: Someone probably forgot to use some that morning!
Razor: See above.
Tissues: For those happy tears!
Sunscreen: Even if the wedding is indoors, if the wedding party will be outside for photos, make sure to have this on hand.
Hair Elastics and Bobby Pins: You can never have too many on hand.
Extra Earring Backs: You never know when those things decide to disappear
Extension Cord and Phone Charger: Trust me.
Lighter: This is great for sealing edges of frayed ribbons!
Lint Roller: The groom's suit will thank you.
Cash: Just in case you want something form a vending machine!
Eye Drops: Also contacts and contact solution if you wear those!
Lotion: Always.
Pen and paper: For last minute reminders, thank you notes, and secret messages between the bride and groom.